Authors of selected papers should consider the following steps in order to complete the acceptance procedure:
Step 1: Send an email to by 21th of July, and confirm that you will attend the conference and present your paper.
Step 2: Send the camera-ready (revised) version of your manuscript (both PDF and DOC files) through email to by the 5th of August (for both full papers and work in prgress). In the revised version, please carefully consider the technical comments provided by the reviewers (if any), and the editorial comments in terms of grammar, format, citation, bibliography, etc. (if any) (see below).
IMPORTANT NOTE: When sending the revised version, please mention your manuscript-ID in the title of your email and the attached file.
Step 3: Register at the conference and pay the registration fee by the 5th of August. For more information about the conference registration, please visit the conference website.
Failure to meet any of the above steps will cost an accepted submission to be excluded from the conference program and all publication means.
Thank you again for submitting your work to the Tehran's ISPRS International Joint Conference. We are looking forward to meeting you at the conference!